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by msteffens
26-Jul-2024, 10:54
Forum: General
Topic: Exporting annotation notes from Keypoints to Tinderbox
Replies: 0
Views: 4755
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Exporting annotation notes from Keypoints to Tinderbox

Here's a screencast that shows how Keypoints notes can be exported to Tinderbox: Keypoints-01-TinderboxExport And this additional screencast demonstrates how custom key:value attributes can be added in a Keypoints note and how these get added as dedicated note attributes in Tinderbox: Keypoints-01-T...
by msteffens
26-Jul-2024, 10:12
Forum: General
Topic: Exporting annotation notes & PDFs from Keypoints to DEVONthink
Replies: 0
Views: 3035
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Exporting annotation notes & PDFs from Keypoints to DEVONthink

Here's a screencast that shows how Keypoints notes & their PDFs can be exported to DEVONthink: Keypoints-01-DEVONthinkExport By assigning Keypoints note IDs (or citekeys in case of PDF publications) as aliases to their corresponding records in DEVONthink, the "WikiLinks" feature in DEV...
by msteffens
26-Jul-2024, 09:52
Forum: General
Topic: Organisational features in Keypoints: Filter views
Replies: 0
Views: 3067
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Organisational features in Keypoints: Filter views

I've made a little screencast (~7min) that shows how to filter your annotation notes using the various filter views in Keypoints: Keypoints-01-FilterViews This screencast also demonstrates how to "filter notes by other notes" via the "Notes" filter view. This can be a powerful me...
by msteffens
12-Dec-2023, 11:03
Forum: General
Topic: state of project?
Replies: 17
Views: 69846
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Re: state of project?

Thanks to both of you for your replies. Oliver, I really appreciate the kind words & wishes! Thanks also for your interest in testing the app. I will contact you privately. W.r..t. testing, it's important to understand that this is alpha quality at best. I.e., the app still lacks important featu...
by msteffens
11-Dec-2023, 15:11
Forum: General
Topic: state of project?
Replies: 17
Views: 69846
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Re: state of project?

Hi Oliver, many thanks for your continued interest! For the most part, my spare time is unfortunately still spent with dealing with life issues. I.e., time available for development remains scarce. That said, I've worked on quite a few smaller issues and improvements, e.g.: made some important fixes...
by msteffens
05-May-2023, 10:06
Forum: General
Topic: state of project?
Replies: 17
Views: 69846
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Re: state of project?

Hi Oliver,

thank you so much for your understanding and for your warmhearted words!

And yes, keeping the communication alive also helps me and is very welcome.

I'm very much looking forward to getting the project going again.

Thanks again,
by msteffens
02-May-2023, 13:45
Forum: General
Topic: state of project?
Replies: 17
Views: 69846
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Re: state of project?

Hi Oliver, thanks again for your continued interest in my app, it's really appreciated! Since end of 2019, my life went not as planned. I lost both of my parents and I got in charge to look after my ill brother. At the beginning of this year, right when things seemed to swing back to normal, my brot...
by msteffens
10-Nov-2022, 07:52
Forum: General
Topic: Focussed navigation: selection, filter & navigation features in Keypoints
Replies: 2
Views: 22894
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Re: Focussed navigation: selection, filter & navigation features in Keypoints

Hi Oliver,

thanks, it’s great to hear that you like it! Your feedback is reassuring me that I‘m on the right track with this.

Best, Matthias
by msteffens
06-Nov-2022, 21:13
Forum: General
Topic: Focussed navigation: selection, filter & navigation features in Keypoints
Replies: 2
Views: 22894
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Focussed navigation: selection, filter & navigation features in Keypoints

@lerone encouraged me to create more screencasts which show Keypoints in action. This short (~1 min) screencast linked here: Keypoints-01-FocussedNavigation shows several selection, filter & navigation features of Keypoints. I'll describe these features below, ordered by their occurrence (second...
by msteffens
02-Nov-2022, 19:43
Forum: General
Topic: state of project?
Replies: 17
Views: 69846
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Re: state of project?

Hi Oliver, thanks again, also for the offer to help out! I'll keep this in mind. And yes, you're right, there are quite a few (non-programming) tasks that others could help me with. This will likely get more feasible when I can hand out a private test version to selected people. Thanks again for all...

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