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Posts: 35
Joined: 17-May-2017, 14:28

July 2018 Status Update


this is a quick follow-up to my last status update.

Continuing my development of the Keypoints app, I've made some good progress towards an alpha release. During the last months, I've worked on the search syntax (which now allows for AND/OR searches as well as literal & negated searches). I've also added more drag+drop capabilities and autocompletion of elements (like notes, keywords, labels, citekeys). In addition, I've implemented a browser-style navigation history (i.e., you can move back to your previous selection(s) with a simple swipe), and facilitated collapsing of views as well as multi-window support. The latter allows to double click a note to open it in a separate editor window (which can also expand again to a full-blown browser window).

I've also fixed some critical bugs, and further polished the app. There's still quite a few things to do and I wish development could proceed much faster—but given that I can only work on this part time, I'm happy with the progress achieved so far.

Below is a sample screenshot which illustrates some of the recently developed features: In the below screenshot, you see a Keypoints project file that currently shows all notes with keyword "sea ice" containing the literal string "organic material" but excluding notes containing the word "Antarctic". In addition, two notes have been opened in separate windows, and the lower one shows a keyword currently being autocompleted. As before, clicking any element in a Markdown note would display all notes belonging to this element (either in the main window or in the current window).

Posts: 1
Joined: 30-Mar-2019, 06:12

Re: July 2018 Status Update

how can I download the app?
Site Admin
Posts: 35
Joined: 17-May-2017, 14:28

Re: July 2018 Status Update

how can I download the app?

Hi, thanks for your interest in the app!

Unfortunately, the app isn't available as a public release yet. I'm working on this as much as I can. But since this is currently a part-time project, progress is somewhat slow. At this time, I cannot give an ETA yet, but I'll let everyone know on the announcement list when a beta release is available.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,

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